Maturity Scan!

Upgrade your company’s use of data science!

The KennisDC logistiek Gelderland would like to invite you to participate in a study on the
use of data science within logistics companies. We would like to ask you to make a small
contribution (It only takes 15 minutes to fill in the survey!). After handing in the survey, you
will receive a personalized report with your company’s scores relative to the market.

On behalf of the research group KennisDC Logistics Gelderland, HAN university of applied
sciences, research is being carried out into the maturity of data science among logistics
companies. With this, the KennisDC aims to meet its objective of supporting those
companies in their innovation needs. On the basis of preliminary research, it has been
concluded that a lack of data science capabilities may have adverse effects on the competitive

Data science can offer the following benefits to your business:

When used effectively, data science gives organizations the opportunity to make more
effective business decisions. This is crucial for you to gain a competitive advantage. Data
science can help organizations with the ability to improve business processes, make better
predictions or forecasts, and analyze data more effectively.

The advantage of, and the reason for the research:

The subject of the survey is data science. The goal is to map the maturity of data science
among logistics firms. The results will help KennisDC Logistiek Gelderland to better serve
small and help those enterprises. Ultimately, this can lead to a market-wide catch-up. In
addition, it helps universities to create a tailor-made educational stream. Which means that
universities can supply more specialized graduates as well as interns to your company!

We ask for your cooperation by completing a survey that does not take more than 15 minutes.
The findings of this study are shared anonymously with the respondents. In addition, market-
wide follow-up research will be carried out for more potential improvements.